How to Get Rid of Scaly Skin Patches: Getting Smooth and Hydrated Skin

Side by side with dry skin, scaly and flaky skin can be an extremely uncomfortable issue. There are many potential causes: from psoriasis, eczema, and atopic dermatitis to rare genetic disorders or allergic reactions. Depending on the cause, treatments can vary. If you have this issue and you are not sure how to solve it, read more to find out the causes of scaly skin patches and how you can treat it. 


Skaly Skin Patches Cause

Here are the five most common causes of why scaly patches on both body and face appear. They might make your treatment go easier and for you to understand what these causes can mean. 


Cause #1: Dry Skin

You need to understand that even though your skin can be dry, it doesn’t necessarily need to be flaky. However, there is a good amount of overlap. Meaning that the scaly skin usually comes as the result of a damaged or compromised skin barrier. And when the skin barrier is damaged, skin is prone to lose moisture, and finally scaly patches may appear. 


Cause #2: Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition that can appear on both skin and body. What happens with this condition is that the skin actually is thicker in certain places. It grows so fast that it doesn’t have time to shred at a normal pace. Finally, pink or red plaques of skin appear and that is how you get scaly patches. 


Cause #3: Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema

Both atopic dermatitis and eczema are inflammatory conditions that cause the top skin layer to become red and scaly. If you leave it untreated it can cause the skin to break, bleed, and be flaky and scaly. Usually, certain skincare products can cause eczema to appear, while AD can be transferred genetically. 


Cause #4: Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is also known as dandruff. It causes flaky skin on the scalp, which then falls off when you scratch it. Inflammation causes the skin to be scaly, centered around the hair follicle. 


How to Treat Scaly Skin Patches

While some treatments can be done at home, others require a visit to a dermatologist’s office. For example, the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis isn’t the same as for eczema or atopic dermatitis. Here you need to address the yeast that is causing the problem and inflammation. 


The key thing is locking moisture back into the skin. Dermatologists suggest using fragrance-free, oily-based ointments and creams. With After 9 Night Body moisturizer, you can hydrate the skin, just before going to sleep. Niacinamide, fruit, and plant extracts will gently exfoliate the skin but hydrate it perfectly.  


These products usually are suggested for atopic dermatitis that can be mild or very strong. On the other hand, eczema often requires prescribed topical or oral steroids. 


However, before locking the moisture, you can also try exfoliation, just to remove those dead skin cells that were bulking on the surface. 


While scaly skin can be and look uncomfortable and alarming, with simple steps and a potential visit to the dermatologist, this problem can be solved. Gentle exfoliation, thick moisturizer or ointment, and proper diet will make your skin silky smooth again. 


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